Beatsource präsentiert die „VIP Crates“
Vergangene Woche hat Beatsource den Launch seiner VIP Crates bekanntgegeben. Dabei handelt es sich um Playlists, die nun fortlaufend von den Top DJs dieser Welt erstellt werden – exklusiv für Beatsource! Ihr bekommt somit einen Einblick in die Trackauswahl der erfolgreichsten DJs und habt immer die Möglichkeit, während eurer Gigs & Streams darauf zurückzugreifen.
Für den Kick-Off dieser Serie hat Beatsource eine Gruppe aus Open-Format DJs zusammengestellt, die in den Hot Spots wie LA, London, Las Vegas, Miami uvm. spielen:
- Lil Jon, GRAMMY Award – und mehrfacher Platin-Gewinner
- Tay James, Justin Bieber’s Tour-DJ
- DJ Amen, Music Director bei LA’s REAL 92.3 und DJ für die San Francisco 49ers
- ZHU, GRAMMY nominierter Artist
- Walshy Fire, Mitglied von Major Lazer
- DJ EFN, Co-Host vom Drinks Champs Podcast
- Craig David, GRAMMY nominiert und mehrfacher Platin-Gewinner
- Charlie Sloth, Host von Apple Music’s Charlie Sloth Rap Show
- Joel Corry, Platin-Artist
- Nathan Dawe, Platin-Artist
- James Hype, Platin-Artist
- DJ Javin, SiriusXM’s Globalization und Phoenix’s Power 98.3
Beatsource Vorstandsmitglied, A-Trak, sagt:
“VIP Crates is a perfect example of Beatsource’s brilliance. DJing is more than just keeping up with the newest releases and knowing the classics. Every DJ has their own personal go-to’s, those tracks that never leave the crates even though they never charted. Weapons, tools. Being able to tap into that with a subscription is huge.”
Kidd Spin, Beatsource’s Leiter für Musik-Kuration, fügte dem noch hinzu:
“DJs are often curious as to what other DJs are playing in their sets. Clubs and live shows are far and few between these days, so there’s virtually no way to know what our favorite DJs are currently into or being influenced by without a direct connection. VIP Crates gives insight into what top tastemaker DJs are feeling right now, and the varying playlists show great diversity – from all genres, eras, and styles.”
Edwin Paredes, Beatsource’s Chief Content Officer:
“The groundswell of support we’ve received from these enormously successful artists and DJs wanting to be a part of our initial rollout of VIP Crates has been amazing. We’re looking forward to adding more influential tastemakers to the VIP Crates mix in the coming months.”
Die Playlists sind über den Streaming Dienst Beatsource LINK zugänglich.
Checkt die VIP Crates hier.
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