DJcity Premiere: Mix Master MikeがBeastie Boysの”No Sleep Till Brooklyn”をリミックス
Mix Master Mike with Cypress Hill at Kaya Fest in San Bernardino, CA. (Credit: privatefoto) Beastie Boysの1986年にリリースされた大ヒット曲である"No Sleep Till Brooklyn"は名プロデ...
先日、A-TrakがTwitter上で今日の業界内におけるオープンフォーマットDJの苦悩ついて彼の意見を投じました。DJcityとDJ Viceの企画、Beyond the Music Retreatでの経験を経てインスパイアされた彼は、オープンフォーマットDJの基盤はまだまだ発展途上であるとの旨のコメントを残しました。
DJコミュニティーで大きな論争となった、この話題についてA-TrakとRoctakonがそれぞれReflections of a DJ a.k.a. R.O.A.D. Podcastでのインタビューにて回答しました。
インタビューをより円滑に行う為に、R.O.A.D.は、Source MagazineのコーファウンダーでありラスベガスのXS Nightclubのタレントディレクターを担当していたShecky Greenをホストとして招き入れました。
I'm realizing how much of a hole there is in the infrastructure for DJs in North America, specifically for open format DJs.
The whole DJ business changed DRASTICALLY in the last 10 years.. and there's pockets of the DJ scene that kind of got left out. (cont'd)— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
Those changes happened with the explosion of EDM. Money brings change & infrastructure – like in any sector. When DJs started having huge hit records and the event space boomed (festivals, tours hitting ticketed venues), the business became legit.
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
DJs used to get known on the strength of their DJing (duh!). But then DJs started becoming known for their songs and that created serious draw to other markets. That also created a need for proper managers, lawyers etc. The social media boom happened at the same time.
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
The old school model was: most DJs had an agent-slash-manager. Which isn't ideal (church & state!). But most of us didn't need managers before. I was DJing for 10 years – multiple time world champion etc – before hiring my first manager.
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
That model worked all the way up to the DJ AM era, when bottle service clubs became more prominent and Vegas opened up to more DJs. But those types of venues and clubs don't respect DJs. So DJs need representation.
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
After that the music exploded and an entire industry was built… But what about the DJs who weren't producing records? who, truthfully, are better *DJs* than most of those getting known for their hits..? The club scene got caught in a bubble, a time warp.
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
And here's where it gets weird: then the EDM bubble burst. Club talent buyers started saying they were going back to booking open format DJs (for those who don't know that just means multi-genre DJs rooted in hip hop). But most of those DJs don't have modern agents, modern biz.
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
The DJ explosion that happened earlier in the decade created fast growth but now I find the scene needs some nurturing. And there's a lot of excellent DJs who still need representation.
It's wild: a celebrity DJ is more likely to have a legit agent than a GOOD open format DJ.— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
I think part of the problem is also because of the handful of people in a position of power in that club scene, that open format scene: it's very clicky which imo hindered it from riding the big wave a few years ago. Some ppl were too self-content to even SEE the wave…
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
The end result is a bunch of very very good skilled DJs who don't have an infrastructure.
I went to the #BeyondTheMusic retreat last week, organized by @DJcity & @djvice. It's clear that there's a big demand for mentorship, leadership, guidance in the scene.— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
It's a great start. We need more though. I don't understand why the main booking agencies aren't picking up more of these DJs. There has to still be a viable lane for DJs whose main focus isn't to produce music or be an Instagram personality, but just to be a great reliable DJ!!
— Basement Jacques (@atrak) March 8, 2019
Roctakon’s tweets:
A Trak should not speak on the issues modern open format DJs face.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
That thread makes 0 sense. He doesn't speak for any of us. He's never been one of us.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
there's no problem, if you can't put bodies in the club or sell tables you're a working stiff. That's fine, it's a respectable thing to be and you can earn a good living, but being good at DJing has NEVER been enough.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
Enough to get you to the next level. Make great music, run a promotions company, be an instagram star, date a reality TV star, do whatever you gotta do to put bodies in the club, but if you can't sell tickets or create the illusion of selling ticks, shit, be happy you even work.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
I've watched so many guys my age and a little older/younger struggle so fucking hard with 'why isn't being good enough' IT'S JUST NOT. NOT IN FUCKING VEGAS, NOT IN BOTTLE SERVICE LAND OF ILLUSION. YOU NEED A HOOK, A STORY, SOME BULLSHIT TO DRAW BECKY IN. HUSTLE. BULLSHIT.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
People out here wishing clubs would start really caring about good DJing, wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which ones fills up first. Half these DJs people act like are good can't even fucking play.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
Nobody is ever gonna give a fuck that you're good, nobody is ever gonna understand the craft for real. A few experienced club managers, a few DJs, a few fans, that's it.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
You have to make them understand but doing stuff that has nothing to do with being a good DJ. It's a nightmare but it is what it is man.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
If you're willing to do the work all the infrastructure is in place for you to succeed. If you can get bodies through the door you will win, I 100% guarantee it. Look at Harvey, he is one of the ultimate working DJ success stories. It took a long time and a lot of work, but…
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
…Harvey found a way to put bodies through the door all over the world. Yea some of it was being good, but some of it was his consistency, throwing his own parties, story telling, branding, etc.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
Buncha babies out here mad cause they can play a couple records together and the clubs don't respect them. Yawn. Been there bro. Good luck to you. End Rant.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
Well, one more thing, I will say you can totally build your core following around being a good DJ, a lot of people have done it, and I think it's a great place to start, but combining good with other salable concepts is where the rain comes.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
tubby lil AM was doing well in LA before Nicole Richie, and if he had only been mediocre he still woulda had steam off her, but being dope and dating her changed everything. He used to act like he got booked cause he was good, but he was good and he was shrouded in celebrity.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
Good is the foundation and mortar you can build a career with but it's not the entire house. Ok I'm done now for real.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
Via @DjSalParadise "Other thing is a great DJ never gets mediocre crowds going. They murder a good night but a name with clout will make a mid room happen better almost always
Just because the crowd feels some pull to like oh yeah I’m here for this"— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
I love my working DJs and want everybody to get money, but if we gonna get more out of these clubs we need hard evidence, clients that know our names, people that pay to see us, not some theoretical idea about who’s a good dj or what real DJing is.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
honestly iconic:
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
the fucked up shit is in the world i’m speaking on, i’m the OG and trailblazer. These guys were chasing dwindling dnb and turntablisim showcase money when I was 10-4 in NYC. Then bouncing around the hollerboard world while I was in NY, LA, Miami and Vegas getting money.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
I forgotten about more residencies than they prolly ever had combined.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
“I never wanted to be a good nightclub dj” end thread.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
he’s got me here y’all. I def haven’t learned anything from my mistakes, or 23 years in this thing. Not anything that could benefit an up and coming open format DJ. I am poor. Do not listen to me!
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
today was fun y’all. My door is always open to up and coming dudes who want to talk about their future and place in this business. I’m not here to tear anyone down or keep anybody from getting money, but I will be realistic. roctakon at gmail anytime.
— Roctakon (@Roctakon) March 9, 2019
Mix Master Mike with Cypress Hill at Kaya Fest in San Bernardino, CA. (Credit: privatefoto) Beastie Boysの1986年にリリースされた大ヒット曲である"No Sleep Till Brooklyn"は名プロデ...
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DJcityのデスクトップアプリがアップデートされました。今回の大きなアップデートとしてはユーザーはダウンロードしたファイルのアーティスト、タイトル、バージョン、bpm、ジャンル、キー、年を編集することができるようになりました、 アップデートとしては ・ダウンロードしたファイルをアーティスト、タイトル、バージ...
今年最大のチャンスをお見逃しなく! DJcityメンバーシップが90%オフで、最初の月は¥150でご利用できます(通常価格¥1,500)。チェックアウト時にプロモコードDJCITY2024を使用してください。 最新のリミックスやDJエディット、イントロバージョン、クリーンエディット、アカペラなどをダウンロード...
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青森を拠点にナイトクラブDJとして活躍するDJ Hirokazu aka Mr.INSPIRE。その彼が新旧のHip-Hopを取り入れたミックスを提供してくれました。前半は旬のクラブバンガーそして後半は90年代のイーストコースクラシックがフューチャーされた30分のミックスです。 [podcast]  ...
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