DJ Stonic

DJ Stonic’s Latest ‘Scratchflix’ Episode Parodies ‘Black Mirror: Bandersnatch’

Reigning Red Bull 3Style Italy champion Stonic has called upon an impressive lineup of turntablists for the latest episode of his Netflix parody series Scratchflix. The “Scratch Mirror: Banderscratch” episode puts a choose-your-own adventure style spin on a traditional scratch cypher.

Stonic is joined by Damianito, DJ Delta, Dj D_MiND, Kut Real, SupaMario, DJ Bolla, DJ Kamo, DJ YANEZ, and Zio.n. At the end of the first video, viewers can make a choice: clicking the link to one of the following videos takes you to either the next DJ’s routine or to a “game over” page where you have the option to start over.

Start the interactive game by watching the video above.

Related Post: Watch: ‘Scratchflix’ Parodies ‘Ninja Assassin’

Watch: ‘Scratchflix’ Parodies ‘Ninja Assassin’


DJ Stonic has released another episode in his Netflix parody series, Scratchflix. On this episode, the former Red Bull Music 3Style and DMC contender offers a turntablist’s take on the show Ninja Assassin. The DJ/producer uses the instrumental of his own track, “Psycho,” co-produced by Sortek.

Watch above.

Follow Scratchflix on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Related: DJ Stonic Launches Netflix Parody Series, ‘Scratchflix’

DJ Stonic Launches Netflix Parody Series, ‘Scratchflix’



Stonic, a former Red Bull Music 3Style and DMC contender, has launched a Netflix parody series titled Scratchflix. Each episode is a routine that combines turntablism with references to popular Netflix shows and movies.

So far, Scratchflix has released two episodes: “Boscratch Horseman,” a spoof of the animated series, BoJack Horseman, and “Scratch Mirror,” a parody of the sci-fi anthology, Black Mirror.

Watch the episodes below and stay tuned for new videos each month.

Follow Scratchflix on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Related: Watch: Stonic Performs New Turntablism Routine
