Robin Schulz

Robin Schulz Reveals Thought Process Behind Remixing

Robin Schulz
German DJ/producer Robin Schulz has achieved two international hit remixes this year: Mr. Probz’s “Waves” and Lilly Wood & The Prick’s “Prayer in C.” As “Waves” currently sits at No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot Dance/Electronic Songs chart, the 27-year-old producer revealed his thought process for remixing songs in an exclusive interview with the magazine.
Should you consider your audience when making a remix?
“No. First I do the remix for me — same as the original.”
How do you balance the original song’s vision with your own?
“I try to make a new song but I always respect the original. Someone put a lot of work in to make [sic] this song.”
How do you know when a remix is finished?
“When you play it on the weekend and the crowd loves it.”
Should you ever remix a song you don’t like to make it better?
“I could never remix something I don’t like. It has to fit my music, and some tracks I really like are impossible to get into my style. After this incredible year I get a lot of remix requests. Some are really strange and crazy, and sometimes I wonder why the labels are thinking of me.”
What software would you recommend for remixing?
“There is so much good software out there. I started with a laptop at home, and I know so many great bedroom producers who do great things. But it’s more about the creativity and knowledge than the program. A Program just helps you.”
How do you know if your remix is good?
“If people dance to it. The dancefloor never lies!”


Related: André from RAC Discusses His Approach to Remixing
