Watch the Winning Routines for the 2016 IDA World DJ Championships

The Beatbombers compete at the IDA World DJ Championships in Kraków, Poland on Dec. 3, 2016.

The 2016 IDA World DJ Championships went down in Kraków, Poland on Saturday, December 3. Below are the full results of the competition, which featured three categories.

Show category:

1. Beatbombers — Portugal
2. Skillz, Mendo Sam, kTDR1 — France
3. Tas — Poland

Technical category:

1. Erick Jay — Brazil
2. Dom-Auto — Japan
3. Datflex — Spain

Scratch category:

1. VaZee — Poland
2. Fakser — Italy

Watch all three winning routines below:

Related: Winners of the 2015 IDA World DJ Championships
